Editorial Policy

Medical Educator is more than just a website; it’s a vital resource specifically designed for medical students globally. Here, you’ll find a resource full of of high-quality learning materials, including in-depth clinical topics, interactive quizzes, and insightful blogs.

We provide a unique platform for you to share your knowledge and expertise to medical students. To ensure the content we offer is of the highest quality, we’ve outlined some essential guidelines for our valued contributors.

Original Work Required

At Medical Educator, we champion originality and scholarly excellence. We seek well-researched and informative pieces that haven’t been published before on any platform. Our priority is to deliver fresh medical knowledge to our audience.

By following these guidelines, you’ll ensure the integrity of your work and contribute valuable, original content to the Medical Educator community. Here’s what that means for you:

  • Unpublished Works Only: We accept content that is entirely original and hasn’t appeared online elsewhere.
  • Cite sources: Any medical information must clearly site the journals and sources used as research.
  • Sharing with attribution: You can certainly share a snippet of your published Medical Educator article on your personal blog or social media after 30 days. Just be sure to include a clear and prominent link back to the full-length article on our website.
  • Copyscape Verification: All submitted work will be screened using the Copyscape plagiarism detection software to guarantee originality.

Medical Guest Post Topics We Welcome

At Medical Educator, our focus is on empowering medical students internationally with high-quality learning resources and guides. We publish content that directly supports their academic journey and professional development. Here are some areas where your expertise can contribute significantly:

  • Clinical Knowledge guest posts: Offer in-depth explorations of specific medical and surgical topics, focusing on clear explanations, relevant case studies, and practical applications.
  • Exam Prep guest posts: Share effective study techniques, tips for tackling specific exam sections, and valuable resources to help students ace their medical qualifications.
  • Wellness for Medical Students guest posts: Address the unique challenges faced by medical students, offering guidance on stress management, work-life balance, and maintaining physical and mental well-being.
  • Career Development guest posts: Provide valuable advice on career planning, navigating residency applications, and choosing a specialty that aligns with your goals and interests.
  • Medical Education Innovation guest posts: Discuss advancements in medical education technology, teaching methods, and best practices that can enhance learning outcomes.
  • Personal Stories and Experiences guest posts: Share your journey through medical school, offering inspiration and practical takeaways for aspiring students.
  • Debunking Medical Myths guest posts: Address common misconceptions surrounding medical topics, providing evidence-based information to the public.
  • Medical products guest posts: Reviews of educational and medical products that are relevant to our audience.
  • Medical services guest posts: Reviews of educational and medical services that are relevant to our audience.
  • Medical Education guest posts: analyse the changing landscape of medical education and how students can prepare.
  • Clinical Skills guest posts: practical guides on mastering specific clinical skills, like history taking, physical examination techniques, or interpreting medical imaging.
  • Medical Ethics guest posts: explore challenging ethical dilemmas faced by healthcare professionals and offer frameworks for decision-making.
  • Professional Development guest posts: advice on navigating professional challenges, such as dealing with difficult colleagues or workplace conflict.
  • Global Health guest posts: Highlight global health issues and challenges, such as infectious diseases or access to healthcare in underserved communities.
  • Public Health guest posts: Empower medical students to advocate for public health initiatives and address healthcare disparities.

Remember, the content should be well-researched, informative, and engaging for our medical student audience. We encourage you to get creative and propose guest post topics that fall within the broader medical category. If you’re unsure whether your idea aligns with our audience, feel free to reach out with a brief summary. We’re always happy to discuss potential contributions.

Formatting Requirements

At Medical Educator, we prioritize clear, concise, and engaging content tailored to the needs of medical students. Here’s a breakdown of our formatting requirements to ensure your guest post delivers maximum value to our audience:

Structure and Readability

  • Clarity is Key: Utilize short, well-structured sentences for easy comprehension.
  • Depth Over Fluff: While word count can vary, aim for articles that comprehensively address the topic, ideally exceeding 1000 words.
  • Scannable Structure: Employ subheadings with bold titles to break up your content and improve readability.
  • Accuracy Always: Maintain impeccable grammar and spelling for a professional presentation.

Citations and Referencing

  • Evidence-Based Approach: Support your arguments with relevant citations from credible medical journals and academic resources.
  • Link It Up: Include links to trustworthy websites for further exploration by readers.
  • Self-Promotion with Limits: You may include one link back to your website, but affiliate links are not permitted.

Visual Appeal

  • High-Quality Images: While we will provide one stock image, additional visuals should be high-resolution (minimum 800px wide) and complement your content.

Engaging Headlines

Your headline serves as the first impression, so make it count! Here are some tips:

  • Action-Oriented: Start with action verbs like “How To” or “The Importance of…” to showcase the value proposition.
  • Benefits Upfront: Grab attention by emphasizing the “why” for readers (e.g., “Why Medical Students Should Prioritize Sleep Hygiene”).
  • Lists Capture Attention: Utilize numbered lists like “5 Techniques for Mastering Active Recall” to pique reader interest.
  • Urgency Creates Engagement: Convey the importance of reading now with phrases like “Don’t Miss Out On These Essential Exam Tips”.
  • Power Words: Incorporate strong verbs and adjectives like “Master,” “Essential,” or “Effective” to stand out.
  • Problem-Solution Headlines: Headlines highlighting challenges paired with solutions can be effective (e.g., “Feeling Overwhelmed? Time Management Strategies for Medical Students”).

By adhering to these formatting guidelines, you’ll ensure your guest post is informative, engaging, and resonates with our medical student audience.

Submit a guest post

Are you passionate about medical education and eager to share your knowledge with aspiring medical professionals?

Identify a theme that aligns with our focus areas, considering where your unique expertise can offer valuable insights to medical students. Send a brief email outlining your proposed topic and a short summary of the key points you’ll address to info@medicaleducator.co.uk. Our editorial team will review your proposal and get back to you within a few business days.