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Kobe University School of Medicine

Kobe University School of Medicine is a prestigious institution located in Kobe, Japan. Founded in 1929, the School of Medicine is known for its dedication to excellence in medical education, research, and healthcare services. The university boasts a rigorous curriculum that ensures students receive a comprehensive and well-rounded education in medicine.

One of the unique features of Kobe University School of Medicine is its focus on cutting-edge research. The institution has several research centers and laboratories where faculty members and students collaborate on groundbreaking research projects in various fields of medicine. From cancer research to biotechnology to public health initiatives, Kobe University School of Medicine is at the forefront of medical innovation.

In addition to its commitment to academic excellence, Kobe University School of Medicine also emphasizes the importance of hands-on clinical experience. Students have the opportunity to train in state-of-the-art facilities and work alongside experienced medical professionals in hospitals and clinics. This immersive approach to medical education helps students develop the skills and confidence needed to succeed in their future careers as healthcare providers.

Furthermore, Kobe University School of Medicine is known for its strong international partnerships and collaborations. The institution welcomes students and faculty from around the world, fostering a diverse and inclusive learning environment. This global perspective enriches the academic experience at Kobe University School of Medicine, providing students with a broad understanding of healthcare issues on a global scale.

Overall, Kobe University School of Medicine is a leading institution in medical education and research. With its emphasis on academic excellence, hands-on clinical experience, and global perspective, the university prepares students to become competent and compassionate healthcare professionals who will make a positive impact on the world of medicine. Whether students aspire to become medical researchers, primary care physicians, or specialists in a particular field, Kobe University School of Medicine provides them with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in their chosen careers.

Contact Information

7-5-1, Kusunokicho, Chuo-Ku, Kobe 650-0017 Hyogo, Japan


School Details

School Type
Year Opened
Currently operational

Course Details

Course Title
Gakushi (Igaku)
Year Teaching Began
6 years
Language of Teaching
Prerequisite Education
Admission follows completion of secondary education.
Entrance Exam
An entrance exam is required
Foreign Students
Foreign students are admitted
Both men and women are admitted