Clinical immunology is the branch of medicine that focuses on the study of the immune system and its disorders. It deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and management of immune-mediated diseases such as allergies, autoimmune diseases, and transplant rejection.
With the increasing incidence of these diseases, clinical immunology plays a crucial role in modern medicine and has a significant impact on patient health and well-being. If you want to test your knowledge, then why not try our varied MCQ test? It is a fun and interactive way to challenge yourself and expand your understanding of clinical immunology. Just click to reveal the answer.
CD Acronym
What does CD stand for in immunology (e.g. CD4 Tcell._)
- Control Data
- Chemical Dependency
- Cluster Designation
- Cognitive Disabilities
- Counter-Drug
- Communication Disorder
Wegener’s granulomatosis
What proportion of patients with Wegener’s granulomatosis will have a positive ANCA?
- 0%
- <20%
- 50%
- >80%
T Cell Role
What is the role of CD4+ T cells?
- “Cytotoxic”
- “Supressor
- “Helper”
- Secrete immunoglobulin
- None of the answers listed here
Polyarteritis Nodosa
What proportion of patients with Polyarteritis Nodosa (PAN) will have a positive ANCA?
- 0%
- <20%
- 50%
- >80%
Where is histamine predominantly released from?
- Basophils
- Neutrophils
- Eosinophils
- Macrophage
- Natural Killer Cells
A 18 year old with a nut allergy presents to hospital 5 hours after a meal.
She has mild tingling around her face.
Her lips appear slightly swollen
Her observations are as follows:
Sats 99% Air
RR 16
P 82
BM 6.5
CVS: Normal Heart sounds
Respiratory: No wheeze.
Her past medical history includes a history of anaphylaxis 10 minutes after exposure to a peanut which caused cardiovascular collapse and an admission to intensive care.
What is the most likely diagnosis here?
- Anaphylaxis
- Allergic reaction
- Hereditary Angio-oedema
- Superior vena cava obstruction
- None of the above reactions
Antibody mediator
Which antibody is the mediator of anaphylaxis?
- IgA
- IgE
- IgG
- IgM
- None of the antibodies listed here
ANA titre
A medical student believes he has condition X. He’s aware of an antibody to the condition and asks for an antibody test.
The test is reported as follows:
ANA positive at :1 in X
Which of the following ANA positivity would indicate the most likely chance of an underlying autoimmune disease?
- ANA positive titre 1 in 2
- ANA positive titre 1 in 16
- ANA positive titre 1 in 32
- ANA positive titre 1 in 64
- ANA positive titre 1 in 128
Continued from previous question.
The test is reported as follows:
ANA positive at :1 in 128
What does this result mean?
- ANA positive titre 1 in 2
- ANA positive titre 1 in 16
- ANA positive titre 1 in 32
- ANA positive titre 1 in 64
- ANA positive titre 1 in 128