
Arterial Blood Gases

When you see an arterial blood gas you should just think “marks in the bag”. These are commonly found, easy to write questions that test knowledge. ABG’s are shown as follows. I’ve listed some normal range values below. pH 7.35-7.45 Pa  O2 >10.5 Pa CO2 4.7-6 HCO32- 20-28 Base excess +/- 2 There are 3 […]


Aortic & Mitral Stenosis and Regurgitation

Mitral Stenosis MITRAL STENOSIS Gradient across the valve Valve area (normally is over 4cm2) Mild <5mmHg >1.5 cm2 Mod 5 – 10mmHg 1.0 – 1.5 cm2 Severe > 10mmHg < 1.0 cm2 Taken from American Heart Association Task Force / American College of Cardiology Guidelines 2006.   Murmur MS Aortic Stenosis Aortic STENOSIS   Gradient […]


The Cardiovascular Exam

Remember to link any assessment to your introductory line about the patients’ history or to anything elicited in your history. Introduce yourself Ask permission to perform the examination Position the patient and expose patient appropriately Start at the end of the Bed – Inspection SOB? Count respiratory rate. If secondary to heart failure, then this […]


Thrombolysis patient OSCE

Thrombolysis is a medical treatment that uses drugs to dissolve blood clots that have formed in blood vessels and can lead to serious medical conditions such as stroke, heart attack, and deep vein thrombosis. This procedure is performed to restore blood flow and prevent the damaging effects of blood clots. Our MCQ test is a […]


Cardiology Multiple Choice Questions

Cardiology is the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of heart and cardiovascular diseases. It involves a range of medical and surgical procedures, from preventive measures such as lifestyle changes and medication, to invasive procedures such as angioplasty and heart surgery. With the increasing incidence of heart disease worldwide, cardiology is […]