
Respiratory Exam Guide

In any encounter you may be given a short history or have taken a short history yourself. Introduction Use 2 names e.g. James Bateman / Mr Bateman not James. It can be seen as unprofessional to use your first name only and is not acceptable for clinical use. Seek permission for the examination and be […]


Respiratory Patient OSCE Stations

Respiratory Patient OSCE Stations offer a valuable learning experience specifically focused on respiratory medicine. These stations simulate real patient encounters, where you will be challenged to interact with patients presenting with respiratory symptoms, perform relevant examinations, interpret diagnostic tests, and formulate appropriate management plans. Participating in Respiratory Patient OSCE Stations will sharpen your clinical reasoning, […]


Respiratory multiple choice question bank

Respiratory medicine is a vital branch of medical science that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of disorders affecting the respiratory system. The respiratory system plays a fundamental role in our overall health by facilitating the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between our bodies and the external environment. As a medical student, understanding […]