Respiratory multiple choice question bank


Respiratory medicine is a vital branch of medical science that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and management of disorders affecting the respiratory system. The respiratory system plays a fundamental role in our overall health by facilitating the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between our bodies and the external environment.

As a medical student, understanding the intricacies of the respiratory system is crucial, as respiratory disorders are incredibly common and can have a significant impact on patients’ quality of life. By studying respiratory medicine, you will learn about a wide range of conditions, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, lung cancer, and many others.

To reinforce your knowledge in this field, take the following multiple-choice questions. By doing so, you will not only enhance your knowledge but also prepare yourself for future clinical practice where respiratory conditions are encountered frequently.

Clinical findings

Match the clinical findings with the condition:

  • Asthma
  • Bronchiectasis
  • COPD
  • Lobar Collapse
  • Pleural Effusion
  • Pneumonia
  • Pneumothorax
  • Pulmonary Embolism
  • Pulmonary fibrosis
  • Stridor

Clinical Findings:

ExpansionAir entryPercussionAuscultationVocal resonance
Reduced affected sideReduced affected sideHyper-resonantReduced air entryReduced
Reduced both sides & hyperinflatedReduced bilaterallyHyper-resonantWheeze+/-\: expiratory polyphonicReduced
Reduced both sidesReduced bilaterallyNo change / ReducedCrackles-fine inspiratory DO NOT clear on coughingNo change / Reduced
Reduced both sidesReduced bilaterallyNo change / ReducedCrackles-fine inspiratory DO clear on coughingNo change / Reduced
Reduced both sides during active disease?both sides during active diseaseHyper-resonantWheeze\: expiratory polyphonicNo change
Reduced both sides?both sidesNo changeWheeze\:inspiratory often monophonicNo change
Reduced side of collapse(ipsilaterally), trachea pulled to that sideReduced ipsilaterallyReduced ipsilaterallyReduced air entryReduced
Reduced side of collapseReduced ipsilaterallyReduced ipsilaterallyBronchial breathing, Reduced air entryReduced
No changeNo changeNo change (Reduced if infarcted tissue)Possible pleural rub (crunching through snow) often heard over areaNo change
Reduced side of effusion (ipsilaterally), trachea pushed to other sideReduced ipsilaterallyReduced ipsilaterally, stoney dullReduced air entryReduced

A helpful table is shown below:

ConditionExpansionAir entryPercussionAuscultationVocal resonance
PneumothoraxReduced affected sideReduced affected sideHyper-resonantReduced air entryReduced
COPDReduced both sides & hyperinflatedReduced bilaterallyHyper-resonantWheeze+/-\: expiratory polyphonicReduced
Pulmonary fibrosisReduced both sidesReduced bilaterallyNo change / ReducedCrackles-fine inspiratory DO NOT clear on coughingNo change / Reduced
BronchiectasisReduced both sidesReduced bilaterallyNo change / ReducedCrackles-fine inspiratory DO clear on coughingNo change / Reduced
AsthmaReduced both sides during active disease?both sides during active diseaseHyper-resonantWheeze\: expiratory polyphonicNo change
StridorReduced both sides?both sidesNo changeWheeze\:inspiratory often monophonicNo change
Lobar CollapseReduced side of collapse(ipsilaterally), trachea pulled to that sideReduced ipsilaterallyReduced ipsilaterallyReduced air entryReduced
PneumoniaReduced side of collapseReduced ipsilaterallyReduced ipsilaterallyBronchial breathing, Reduced air entryReduced
Pulmonary EmbolismNo changeNo changeNo change (Reduced if infarcted tissue)Possible pleural rub (crunching through snow) often heard over areaNo change
Pleural EffusionReduced side of effusion (ipsilaterally), trachea pushed to other sideReduced ipsilaterallyReduced ipsilaterally, stoney dullReduced air entryReduced

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA)

What is the The treatment of choice for obstructive sleep apnoea?

OSA is characterised by obstruction of the upper airways during sleep. This is often from the soft tissues in the neck and upper airways.

The exact mechanism isn’t clear but there is subsequent apnoeic episodes (not breathing) and demonstrable hypoxia (O2 sats monitoring).

The condition is diagnosed via a sleep study: an apnoea monitor with continuous sats monitoring.

As a result of the hypoxia/ repetitive waking caused by apnoeic episodes patients are sleepy throughout the day. They do not however have an underlying lung parenchymal disorder so

  • PFT’s are normal
  • They are not “breathless” as a result of the OSA

The treatment of choice is CPAP which differers from intermittent positive airways pressure:

Continuous airways pressurepositive airway pressure higher in inspiration than expiration. can be triggered by inspiration
Airtight maskAirtight mask
Main indications (outside of critical care environment) heart failure/ OSAMain indication (outside of critical care environment) is COPD

OSA carries an increased risk of

  1. Car accidents
  2. Heart attack
  3. Stroke

NB: The Epworth score is used by patients to mark features such as snoring/ daytime sleepiness. E.g. if you fall asleep during a conversation you’re quite likely to have OSA.

Pneumothorax consideration

A female presents to A&E with mild pleuritic right sided chest pain. A Chest X-ray reveals a small (<1cm) ring of air outside the lung at the apex. What is the correct management?

  • Observation Only
  • Aspiration under ultrasound guidance
  • Aspiration without ultrasound
  • Chest drain (seldinger technique)
  • Chest drain (trochar technique)

Observation Only

The pneumothorax is small. Its likely to resolve with no treatment. You can simply repeat the CXR after a period (e.g. 24-48 hours)Aspiration may be successful but is risky in such small effusions.

The British Thoracic Society suggest for a larger pneumothorax:

Aspirate effusions >2cm in diameter

Then repeat the CXR

If unsuccessful: consider either repeat aspiration or chest drain.

In essence this means that in anyone with a spontaneous pneumothorax you should consider an aspiration first.

COPD vs Asthma

What is the key distinguishing factor between COPD and asthma in pulmonary function tests?

  • Severity of obstruction
  • FEV1
  • FVC
  • Response to bronchodilators
  • Diffusion

Response to bronchodilators

Asthma is variable airway obstruction with diurnal variation. However a patient with asthma could have “identical” PFT’s to a patient with COPD.

The key distinguishing feature is the response to bronchodilator treatment. COPD does not classically respond, asthma typically does (>400ml).

Bronchiectasis vs ILD

Which clinical feature is most useful in differentiation of pulmonary fibrosis and bronchiectasis?

  • Forced expiratory time
  • FEV1 at bedside spirometry
  • The presence of fixed crackles
  • Wheeze
  • Presence of a pleural effusion

The presence of fixed crackles

In bronchiectasis the crackles often clear on coughing. This differentiates them from the fixed crackles of interstitial lung disease and pulmonary oedema.

In an exam if you hear bibasal inspiratory crackles ask the patient to cough. If the crackles clear this is evidence they are caused by bronchiectasis.

LTOT criteria

In COPD which of the following suggests a patient requires LTOT (long term oxygen therapy).

ABG PH<7.35

ABG CO2 >8

*ABG PO2<7.3 kPA

Exercise tolerance of <10 yards limited by SOB

FEV1 <33% prediced

  • ABG PH<7.35
  • ABG CO2 >7.5
  • ABG PO2<7.3 kPA
  • Exercise tolerance of <10 yards limited by SOB
  • FEV1 <33% prediced

ABG PO2<7.3 kPA

Common question. You have to not be suffering from a current infective illness.
I.e. if you check someones ABG when they are admitted with COPD with pneumonia this does not count.

Trial data is wearing the oxygen for >16 hours a day.

Obstructive Sleep Apnoea

What proportion of patients with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) have a formal diagnosis of OSA?

  • 5%
  • 25%
  • 50%
  • 75%
  • >90%

Its thought that only 1 in 4 patients with OSA have a formal diagnosis.

Lung Cancer Operability

A patient with lung cancer is worked up for an operation. He has the following lung function tests:

FEV1 0.8L (29% Predicted)

FVC 3.1 L (92% Predicted)

He has had a CT scan chest abdo pelvis and a PET scan which show no metastatic spread and a solitary lung lesion in the right middle lobe. The cancer is biopsied at bronchoscopy and is found to be an adenocarcinoma.

Is this operable?

  • True
  • False


Criteria for operability include:

There must be no pleural effusion.

There must be no LN spread.

The tumour must be “non small cell” (e.g. adenocarcinoma)

Extrathoraxic spread ( the sympathetic chain causing a Horner’s syndrome = inoperable)

Lung function tests

A patient has the following lung function tests.

FEV1 1.6L (50% Predicted)

FVC 3.2 L (92% Predicted)

What is the abnormality shown on the lung function tests?

  • Obstructive airways disease (Mild)
  • Obstructive airways disease (Moderate)
  • Obstructive Airways disease (severe)
  • Type I respiratory Failure
  • Restrictive Airways disease

Obstructive airways disease (Moderate)

Obstructive airways disease is where the FEV1 /FVC ratio is less than 60%. The severity of the COPD is based on the FEV1 measurement as predicted for a given persons age/ sex/ height.

Severity of COPD is as follows

FEV1 60-80% Predicted=Mild

FEV1 40-59% Predicted=Moderate

FEV1 <40% Predicted=Severe