Cannula Insertion Demo

Our cannula insertion demo is one of the most popular videos we have ever created and has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times.

Cannula insertions are very common in the medical field and are routinely performed in various healthcare settings, including hospitals, clinics, emergency rooms, ambulances, and even in home healthcare settings. Cannulas are widely used for a multitude of medical purposes, making the procedure of cannula insertion a routine part of medical practice.

Our video demonstrates how to successfully insert a cannula into a patient and the steps to follow.

What is a Cannula?

A cannula is a thin, hollow tube made of materials like plastic, metal, or rubber, which is inserted into a vein, artery, or body cavity to administer fluids, medications, or for the collection of blood or other bodily fluids. Cannulas are available in various sizes and designs to suit different medical purposes.

What is a Cannula Insertion?

A cannula insertion provides access for various medical treatments. The cannula is inserted into a vein, usually in the back of your hand or arm, using a very fine needle. The needle is then removed and the tube is left inside your vein. The cannula has 1 or more connectors which allow staff to give fluids and medication (drugs) directly into your bloodstream. The cannula is usually inserted into a peripheral vein, and is connected to a larger, more durable catheter for long-term access.

Why is Cannula Insertion required?

Cannula insertion is needed for a variety of medical treatments and procedures, including:

  1. Infusions: The cannula can be used to deliver fluids, such as electrolytes, medication, or blood products, directly into the bloodstream.
  2. Sampling: The cannula can be used to collect blood samples for diagnostic tests, such as blood counts, glucose levels, and electrolyte levels.
  3. Dialysis: For patients with kidney failure, a cannula can be used to access the bloodstream for dialysis, a procedure that filters waste products from the blood.
  4. Pain management: The cannula can be used to deliver pain medication directly into the bloodstream, providing more effective pain relief.
  5. Nutrition support: The cannula can be used to deliver nutrition directly into the bloodstream for patients who cannot eat or digest food normally.

What are the benefits of Cannula Insertion?

Cannula insertion is a medical procedure where a healthcare professional inserts the cannula into a specific site in the body, depending on the purpose of the procedure. The primary goals and benefits of cannula insertion include:

  1. Intravenous (IV) Fluid Administration: Cannulas are commonly used for intravenous fluid administration. This allows for the efficient and controlled delivery of fluids, electrolytes, medications, or blood products directly into the bloodstream. It is crucial for maintaining hydration, providing nutrition, and administering medications rapidly and effectively.
  2. Medication Administration: Cannulas facilitate the administration of medications directly into the bloodstream, ensuring rapid onset and accurate dosing. This is especially important in emergencies or critical situations where immediate action is required.
  3. Blood Collection: Cannulas are utilized to draw blood for diagnostic testing, allowing for a convenient and efficient method of obtaining samples for various laboratory analyses. This is critical for diagnosing and monitoring a wide range of medical conditions.
  4. Continuous Monitoring: Cannulas can be connected to monitoring devices to continuously measure parameters like blood pressure, oxygen levels, and heart rate. This real-time data is essential for monitoring a patient’s vital signs and overall condition.
  5. Reduced Pain and Discomfort: Cannulas cause less pain compared to multiple injections, especially in patients requiring frequent blood draws or medication administration. Once inserted, the cannula can stay in place for an extended period, reducing the need for repeated needle pricks.
  6. Minimized Disruption: By having a cannula in place, medical interventions like administering medications or drawing blood can be done without disturbing the patient, particularly in situations where repeated administration or monitoring is necessary.
  7. Emergency Access: Cannulas provide a quick and efficient route for medical professionals to administer life-saving treatments in emergency situations.

In what settings are Cannula Insertions given?

Here are some scenarios where cannula insertions are common:

  1. Hospital Settings: In hospitals, cannulas are frequently inserted to administer fluids, medications, and other treatments to patients. They are a fundamental aspect of patient care, especially for those admitted for surgery, illness, or injuries.
  2. Emergency Rooms and Trauma Units: Cannulas are quickly inserted in emergency situations to establish IV access for administering life-saving medications, fluids, and blood transfusions.
  3. Preoperative Preparation: Before surgeries or other procedures requiring anesthesia, a cannula is often inserted to ensure easy administration of anesthetic agents and other necessary drugs during the procedure.
  4. Labor and Delivery Units: Cannulas are often inserted during labor and delivery to provide a route for administering pain relief medications, fluids, or other necessary treatments to the mother.
  5. Oncology and Chemotherapy: Patients undergoing chemotherapy often have long-term cannulas, such as a central venous catheter or a peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC line), for ease of administering chemotherapy and other medications.
  6. Ambulatory Care and Home Healthcare: In home healthcare or ambulatory care settings, cannulas are frequently used for administering medications, fluids, or parenteral nutrition to patients who need continuous care outside the hospital.
  7. Intensive Care Units (ICUs): Cannulas are extensively used in ICUs to provide critical care to patients, including administering medications, monitoring vital signs, and administering life-saving interventions.

Given their versatility and wide range of applications, cannula insertions are an integral part of modern healthcare, providing a safe and effective means of administering treatments and care to patients.

Is Cannula Insertion safe?

Cannula insertion is generally considered a safe and routine medical procedure when performed by trained and skilled healthcare professionals. However, like any medical procedure, it carries a small degree of risk. Here are some aspects to consider regarding the safety of cannula insertion:

  1. Infection: Infection at the insertion site is a potential risk. Sterile technique during insertion and proper site care can significantly reduce this risk.
  2. Bleeding or Hematoma: There can be minor bleeding or bruising at the site where the cannula is inserted. Pressure and proper technique can help minimize this risk.
  3. Pain and Discomfort: Some patients may experience pain or discomfort during or after insertion. Healthcare professionals strive to minimize discomfort during the procedure.
  4. Phlebitis: Inflammation of the vein (phlebitis) at the insertion site is possible. This can cause pain and redness. Using appropriate vein size and minimizing irritation can reduce this risk.
  5. Nerve Damage: Though rare, nerve injury at the insertion site can occur, leading to symptoms like numbness, tingling, or weakness. Careful technique and knowledge of anatomy help in avoiding nerve damage.
  6. Allergic Reaction: Some individuals may have an allergic reaction to the materials in the cannula, though this is uncommon.
  7. Clot Formation: In rare cases, a blood clot can form around the cannula. Proper flushing and regular monitoring can help prevent this.
  8. Infiltration: This occurs when fluids or medications leak into the surrounding tissues instead of entering the bloodstream. Proper insertion and monitoring can minimize this risk.
  9. Catheter-Related Bloodstream Infections (CRBSI): Prolonged use of a cannula can increase the risk of infections related to the catheter. Sterile technique and regular maintenance can mitigate this risk.
  10. Insertion Difficulty: In some cases, due to patient anatomy or other factors, inserting a cannula may be challenging, requiring multiple attempts.

Healthcare professionals undergo training to minimize these risks, and they take precautions to ensure the safety and comfort of the patient during the procedure. Additionally, healthcare providers carefully monitor the insertion site and the patient for any signs of complications after the procedure. The cannula can be removed once the treatment is completed or if it becomes dislodged, and the insertion site can be covered with a bandage to prevent bleeding and promote healing.