
Some useful guidelines…

Here’s a selection of what we’ve published in our links page to different sets of guidelines: These are particularly helpful for referencing evidence based medicine. AAN: American Academy of Neurology guidelines AACE: American association of Clinical Endocrinologists with guidelines here BAD: British association of dermatologists with guidelines here BOA: British Association of Orthopaedics with guidelines […]


Whats your style of learning?

Medical Educator is continuously updating its content and its services. In a direct response to a query from one of our members we thought we’d put a poll up about the classic ‘Honey and Mumford’ styles of learning: theorists, activists, reflectors and pragmatists. If you have no idea then that’s fair enough… What they emphasised […]


The wonderful world of medical slang

Ever caught medical student’s syndrome? Or come across a googlechondriac on ward rounds? If you haven’t a clue what we are on about check out the slang list below. Essentially the urban dictionary for Medical Students. Got any slang to add? Email us with your additions! ALS – Absolute Loss of Sanity Appy – a […]


Christmas brings welcome respite for medical students

The Festive period doesn’t always bring Christmas cheer to medical students in the UK and abroad. Whatever your religious standing, the Christmas break brings a welcome bit of respite from university study and placements, but normally brings up extra exam work. We took a straw poll of our colleagues and friends who will be at […]


68% of medical students will use mobile to revise

The message is clear: students are ready to use mobile for internet services and among one of the earliest adopters of mobile technology. In a recent survey we asked our audience if they would use mobile to revise for their medical student exams. The results show that 35% are ready and willing, and 33% are […]